Handmade cardKnitted capeletCrocheted cowlSympathy card

Dorcas' Story

In the seaport town of Joppa, today Jaffa in Israel, Dorcas became known for her acts of charity by sewing garments for widows and the needy of her community. She was a Christian, because she is referred to as "a certain disciple". Through the ministry of Philip the Evangelist a church was established in Joppa, which was not only a place of worship and evangelism, but also a well-organized social service. But Dorcas fell ill and died. The widows she had clothed grieved her passing. That was when Peter happened to be nearby in Lydda. Two members of Dorcas' church were sent to the Apostle beseeching him to visit the grief-stricken community. Peter arrived in Joppa and after sending the people out of the room where Dorcas' body was placed, he commanded: "Tabitha (the Hebrew equivalent for Dorcas) get up!" And life returned to Dorcas. Read her whole amazing story in the New Testament of the Bible, in the book of Acts, chapter 9, verses 36-43.

Who is Dorcas' Daughter?

Anyone interested in a ministry in which we use our talents of knitting, crocheting and other techniques like sewing, quilting or even cardmaking to engage in a prayerful community that reaches out especially to those in need of comfort and solace.

In 1998 Janet Bristow and Victoria Cole-Galo decided to pray and knit shawls for new mothers and for women undergoing medical treatments such as cancer. The Prayer Shawl Ministry envisioned by Janet and Victoria has been very successful ever since.

Dorcas' Daughter could be this or much more. We could carry this ministry out individually with each one of us stitching at our own pace in the privacy of our home, at children's sports events, waiting for doctor appointments or wherever we feel comfortable knitting/crocheting. Some people might set aside an hour or two a month and invite others to a stitching circle. Or we could decide to meet as a group, depending on the availability of those involved.

If you like the concept behind Dorcas' Daughter, but don't feel inclined to making things with your hands, you can still contribute by donating materials needed to create the shawls, blankets, hats and cards. To discuss how you can help, please send me a note to info@dorcasdaughter.com - Thank you for your interest!